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Honda Pilot Owners & Service Manuals

Honda Pilot: Active Control Engine Mount (ACM) System Description - Overview

Honda Pilot 2016-2022 (YF5/YF6) Service Manual / System Description Info / Active Control Engine Mount (ACM) System Description - Overview


The active control engine mount (ACM) system reduces the amount of engine vibration which is transmitted to the passenger's compartment. The ACM system consists of the engine mount actuators, the engine mount control unit, and the PCM. The PCM receives the engine vibration signal from the CKP sensor and the CMP sensor, then sends the signal which is in phase with the predicted engine vibration to the engine mount control unit. The engine mount control unit sends current for driving the ACM actuator to the actuator and it operates the plunger to reduce the amount of engine vibration.

Honda Pilot. System Description Info

Honda Pilot 2016-2022 (YF5/YF6) Service Manual

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