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Honda Pilot: Crankshaft and CKP Pulse Plate Removal, Installation, and Inspection

Honda Pilot 2016-2022 (YF5/YF6) Service Manual / Inspection Info / Crankshaft and CKP Pulse Plate Removal, Installation, and Inspection


1. Engine/Transmission - Remove

2. Transmission - Remove

3. Drive Plate - Remove

4. Cylinder Head - Remove

5. Oil Pan - Remove

6. Oil Strainer and Oil Pump - Remove

7. Baffle Plate - Remove

Honda Pilot. Inspection Info

8. Engine Block End Cover - Remove

Honda Pilot. Inspection Info

9. Piston/Connecting Rod Assembly - Remove

10.Main Bearing Cap - Remove

Honda Pilot. Inspection Info

  1. Loosen the bearing cap bolts and the bearing cap side bolts in sequence 1/3 turn at a time; repeat the sequence until all bolts are loosened.

Honda Pilot. Inspection Info

  1. Remove the bearing cap bolts (A) and the bearing cap side bolts (B), then remove the main bearing caps (C).

11.Crankshaft - Remove

Honda Pilot. Inspection Info

  1. Lift the crankshaft (A) out of the engine block, being careful not to damage the journals and the CKP pulse plate (B).
  2. Remove the thrust washers (C).
  3. Reinstall the main bearing caps and bearings on the engine block in the proper order.

12.CKP Pulse Plate - Remove

Honda Pilot. Inspection Info

  1. Clean the crankshaft oil passages with pipe cleaners or a suitable brush.
  2. Check the keyway slot and the threaded holes for damage.
  3. Remove the CKP pulse plate.

    NOTE: Be careful not to damage the journals and the CKP pulse plate.


1. Crankshaft - Inspect

Honda Pilot. Inspection Info

Journal Diameter, Out-of-Round, and Taper

  1. Clean the crankshaft oil passages with pipe cleaners or a suitable brush.
  2. Check the keyway slot and the threaded holes for damage.
  3. Measure the out-of-round at the middle of each rod and the main journal in two places. The difference between measurements on each journal must not be more than the service limit.

Main Journal Diameter

  Standard (New): 71.976-72.000 mm (2.83370- 2.83464 in)

Rod Journal Diameter

  Standard (New): 54.976-55.000 mm (2.16441- 2.16535 in)

Journal Out-of-Round

  Standard (New): 0.005 mm (0.00020 in) max.

  Service Limit: 0.010 mm (0.00039 in)

  1. Measure the taper at the edges of each rod and the main journal. The difference between measurements on each journal must not be more than the service limit.

Journal Taper

  Standard (New): 0.005 mm (0.00020 in) max.

  Service Limit: 0.005 mm (0.00020 in)

Honda Pilot. Inspection Info


  1. Place the V-blocks on a flat surface.
  2. Check the total runout with the crankshaft supported on V-blocks.
  3. Measure the runout on all of the main journals. Rotate the crankshaft two complete revolutions. The difference between measurements on each journal must not be more than the service limit.

Crankshaft Total Runout

  Standard (New): 0.025 mm (0.00098 in) max.

  Service Limit: 0.030 mm (0.00118 in)


1. Main Bearing Clearance - Inspect

2. CKP Pulse Plate - Install

Honda Pilot. Inspection Info

NOTE: Be careful not to damage the journals and the CKP pulse plate.

3. Crankshaft - Install

Honda Pilot. Inspection Info

  1. Lower the crankshaft (A) into the engine block, being careful not to damage the journals and the CKP pulse plate (B).

Honda Pilot. Inspection Info

  1. Apply new engine oil to the side with the thrust washer groove. Install the thrust washers (A) in the No. 3 journal.

4. Main Bearing Cap Loosely - Install

Honda Pilot. Inspection Info

  1. Install the main bearings (A) and the main bearing caps (B) with the arrow (C) facing the timing belt side of the engine block.
  2. Apply new engine oil to the bolt threads and flanges, then loosely install the bearing cap bolts (D) and the bearing cap side bolts (E).
  3. Set the crankshaft to bottom dead center (BDC) for the cylinder.

5. Connecting Rod Bearing Clearance - Inspect

6. Piston/Connecting Rod Assembly - Install

7. Main Bearing Cap Bolt - Tighten

Honda Pilot. Inspection Info

  1. Tighten the main bearing cap bolts, then tighten the main bearing cap side bolts to the specified torque in the sequence as shown. Repeat the torque sequence again to ensure the bolts are properly torqued.
  2. Remove all of the old liquid gasket from the engine block end cover mating surfaces, the bolts, and the bolt holes.
  3. Clean and dry the engine block end cover mating surfaces and the crankshaft oil seal housing.

8. Engine Block End Cover - Install

Honda Pilot. Inspection Info

  1. Apply a light coat of new engine oil to the lip of the crankshaft oil seal.
  2. Apply liquid gasket to the engine block end cover mating surface of the engine block end cover and to the inside edge of the threaded bolt holes.
  3. Install the dowel pins (A), a new O-ring (B), and the engine block end cover (C) on the engine block.

    NOTE: Replace the transmission end crankshaft oil seal as needed.

9. Baffle Plate - Install

Honda Pilot. Inspection Info

10.Oil Pump and Oil Strainer - Install

11.Oil Pan - Install

12.Cylinder Head - Install

13.Drive Plate - Install

14.Transmission - Install

15.Engine/Transmission - Install

NOTE: The CKP pattern learn is required after this procedure.

Honda Pilot 2016-2022 (YF5/YF6) Service Manual

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