Honda Pilot: Rear Brake Disc Inspection
Honda Pilot 2016-2022 (YF5/YF6) Service Manual / Inspection Info / Rear Brake Disc Inspection
1. Vehicle - Lift
2. Rear Wheels - Remove
3. Brake Pad - Remove
4. Brake Disc/Drum Thickness and Parallelism - Inspect
- Using a micrometer (A), measure the brake disc/drum or
disc thickness at eight points, about 45 º apart and 10 mm
(0.39 in) in from the outer edge of the brake disc/drum.
Replace the brake disc/drum if the smallest measurement
is less than the maximum refinishing limit.
Brake disc/drum thickness:
Standard: 11.0 mm (0.433 in)
Maximum refinishing limit: 9.0 mm (0.354 in)
Brake disc/drum parallelism*: 0.015 mm (0.00059
in) max.
* This is the maximum allowable difference between the
thickness measurements.
- If the brake disc/drum is beyond the service limit for
parallelism, refinish the brake disc/drum with a Honda-approved
commercially available on-car
brake lathe.
For more information on Honda-approved
brake lathes,
refer to any authorized service information related to
brake disc refinishing if available.
If the brake disc/drum is beyond the service limit for
refinishing, replace it.
- Inspect the brake disc/drum runout.
5. Rear Brake Disc/Drum Runout - Inspect
- Inspect the brake disc/drum to wheel surface for damage
and cracks.
- Clean the brake disc/drum thoroughly, and remove all rust.
- Install suitable flat washers (A) and the wheel nuts (B).
- Tighten the wheel nuts to the specified torque to hold the
brake disc securely against the hub.
- Set up the dial gauge (C) against the brake disc/drum as
- Measure the runout at 10 mm (0.39 in) from the outer edge
of the brake disc/drum.
Brake disc/drum runout:
Service limit: 0.04 mm (0.0016 in)
- If the brake disc/drum is beyond the service limit, refinish
the brake disc/drum with a Honda-approved
available on-car
brake lathe.
Maximum refinishing limit: 9.0 mm (0.354 in)
- For more information on Honda-approved
brake lathes,
refer to any authorized service information related to
brake disc refinishing if available.
- If the brake disc/drum is beyond the service limit for
refinishing, replace it.
- If the brake disc/drum is replaced with a new one,
check the new disc/drum for runout. If the new
disc/drum is out of specification, refinish the disc/drum.
6. Brake Pad - Install
7. Rear Wheels - Install