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Honda Pilot Owners & Service Manuals

Honda Pilot: Transfer Assembly Removal and Installation

Honda Pilot 2016-2022 (YF5/YF6) Service Manual / Remove, Install, Replace, Check info / Transfer Assembly Removal and Installation


1. Vehicle - Lift

2. Engine Undercover - Remove

3. ATF - Drain

4. Transfer Assembly Fluid - Drain

5. Front subframe stiffener plate - Remove

Honda Pilot. Remove, Install, Replace, Check info

6. Under-Floor TWC - Remove

7. Propeller Shaft - Remove

8. Transfer Assembly - Remove

Honda Pilot. Remove, Install, Replace, Check info

  1. Disconnect the breather hose (A).
  2. Remove the transfer breather hose bracket (B).

Honda Pilot. Remove, Install, Replace, Check info

  1. Remove the transfer assembly (A) with the dowel pin (B).


1. Transfer Assembly - Install

Honda Pilot. Remove, Install, Replace, Check info

  1. Clean the areas where the transfer assembly contacts the transmission with solvent, and dry with compressed air.

    Then apply ATF to the contact area.

  2. Install the transfer assembly (A) with the dowel pin (B).

Honda Pilot. Remove, Install, Replace, Check info

  1. Install the transfer breather hose bracket (A).
  2. Connect the breather hose (B) with facing the dot mark (C) to the rear side of the vehicle.
  3. Refill the transfer assembly with the recommended transfer fluid, if necessary.

2. Propeller Shaft - Install

3. Under-Floor TWC - Install

4. Front subframe stiffener plate - Install

Honda Pilot. Remove, Install, Replace, Check info

5. Engine Undercover - Install

6. Transfer Assembly Fluid - Refill

7. ATF - Refill

Transfer Assembly Removal and Installation


1. Vehicle - Lift

2. Engine Undercover - Remove

3. Transfer Assembly Fluid - Drain

4. Front Subframe Stiffener - Remove

5. Under-Floor TWC - Remove

6. Propeller Shaft - Remove

7. Transfer Assembly - Remove

Honda Pilot. Remove, Install, Replace, Check info

  1. Disconnect the breather hose (A).
  2. Remove the transfer assembly (B) with the dowel pin (C).
  3. Remove the O-ring (D).


1. Transfer Assembly - Install

Honda Pilot. Remove, Install, Replace, Check info

  1. Clean the areas where the transfer assembly contacts the transmission with solvent, and dry with compressed air.
  2. Install a new O-ring (A).
  3. Apply 1.9-2.9 g (0.067-0.102 oz) of Honda SPLINE WR GREASE (P/N 04360-5P8-305) to the transfer shaft splines (B) as shown.
  4. After applying grease, remove the grease from the splined grooves (C) so that air can bleed from the transfer shaft.
  5. Install the transfer assembly (D) with the dowel pin (E).
  6. Connect the breather hose (F) with aligning the paint mark (G) to the bracket.
  7. Refill the transfer assembly with the recommended transfer assembly fluid, if necessary.

2. Propeller Shaft - Install

3. Under-Floor TWC - Install

4. Front Subframe Stiffener - Install

5. Transfer Assembly Fluid - Refill

6. Engine Undercover - Install

Honda Pilot 2016-2022 (YF5/YF6) Service Manual

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