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Honda Pilot Owners & Service Manuals

Honda Pilot: Wheel Bolt Removal and Installation

Honda Pilot 2016-2022 (YF5/YF6) Service Manual / Remove, Install, Replace, Check info / Wheel Bolt Removal and Installation



  • Do not use a hammer or impact tools (pneumatic or electric).
  • Be careful not to damage the threads of the wheel bolts.


1. Vehicle - Lift

2. Wheel - Remove

3. Wheel Hub - Remove

4. Wheel Bolt - Remove

Honda Pilot. Remove, Install, Replace, Check info

  1. Separate the wheel bolt (A) from the hub (B) using a hydraulic press. Support the hub with hydraulic press attachments (C) or equivalent tools.


1. Vehicle - Lift

2. Wheel - Remove

3. Brake Disc/Drum - Remove

4. Wheel Bolt - Remove

Honda Pilot. Remove, Install, Replace, Check info

  1. Separate the wheel bolt (A) from the hub (B).

    NOTE: If the angle of the remover against the wheel bolt is not vertical, readjust the ball joint remover by turning the head (C) of the adjusting bolt (D).



  • Do not use a hammer or impact tools (pneumatic or electric).
  • Be careful not to damage the threads of the wheel bolts.


1. Wheel Bolt - Install

Honda Pilot. Remove, Install, Replace, Check info

  1. Insert the new wheel bolt (A) into the hub (B) while aligning the splined surfaces (C) on the hub hole with the wheel bolt.


  • Degrease the area around the wheel bolt.
  • Make sure the wheel bolt is installed vertically to the hub disc surface.
  • Before installing the new wheel bolt, clean the mating surfaces on the bolt and the hub.
  1. Install the wheel bolt using a hydraulic press until the wheel bolt shoulder is fully seated. Support the hub with hydraulic press attachments (D) or equivalent tools.

2. Wheel Hub - Install

3. Wheel - Install

NOTE: If you cannot tighten the wheel nut to the specified torque when installing the wheel, replace the front hub.


1. Wheel Bolt - Install

Honda Pilot. Remove, Install, Replace, Check info

  1. Insert the new wheel bolt (A) into the hub (B) while aligning the splined surfaces (C) on the hub hole with the wheel bolt.


  • Before installing the new wheel bolt, clean the mating surfaces on the bolt and the hub.
  • Degrease the area around the wheel bolt and the threaded section of the nut.
  1. Adjust the measurement (D) with the washers (P/N 94101- 14800 or equivalent) (E).
  2. Install a nut (P/N 90304-SHJ-A91 or equivalent) (F) hand- tight.


  • Make sure the wheel bolt is installed vertically to the hub disc surface.
  • Do not install the nut and the washers that have been used as tools on a vehicle.
  1. Tighten the nut.


  • Do not exceed the maximum torque limit.
  • Make sure there is no gap (G) between the bolt and the hub.

Limited torque: 127 N-m (13.0 kgf-m, 94 lbf-ft) max.

NOTE: If you cannot tighten the wheel nut to the specified torque when installing the wheel, replace the rear hub bearing unit as an assembly.

2. Brake Disc/Drum - Install

3. Wheel - Install

Special Tool Required

Honda Pilot. Remove, Install, Replace, Check info

  • Ball Joint Remover, 28 mm 07MAC-SL00202

Honda Pilot 2016-2022 (YF5/YF6) Service Manual

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