Honda Pilot: Wheel Runout Inspection
1. Vehicle - Lift
2. Wheel Runout - Inspect

- Check for bent or deformed wheels.
- Set up the dial gauge as shown.
- Measure the axial runout by turning the wheel.
Front and rear wheel axial runout:
Standard: 0-0.3 mm (0-0.012 in)
Service limit: 2.0 mm (0.079 in)

- Reset the dial gauge to the position shown.
- Measure the radial runout.
Front and rear wheel radial runout:
Standard: 0-0.3 mm (0-0.012 in)
Service limit: 1.5 mm (0.059 in)
- If the wheel runout is not within the specification, check the
wheel bearing end play, and make sure the mating
surfaces between the brake disc or the brake disc/drum
and the inside of the wheel are clean.
- If the bearing end play is within the specification but the
wheel runout is more than the service limit, replace the