Honda Pilot: AC Power Outlet Removal and Installation
Honda Pilot 2016-2022 (YF5/YF6) Service Manual / Remove, Install, Replace, Check info / AC Power Outlet Removal and Installation
1. Center Console Rear Trim - Remove
2. Power Outlet - Remove

- Remove the power outlet (A).
3. All Removed Parts - Install
- Install the parts in the reverse order of removal.
A/C Pressure Sensor Removal and Installation
1. A/C Refrigerant - Recover
2. A/C Pressure Sensor - Remove

- Disconnect the connector (A).
- Hold the A/C pressure sensor block (B) with a wrench to
prevent damaging the receiver line, then remove the A/C
pressure sensor (C).
3. All Removed Parts - Install
- Install the parts in the reverse order of removal, and note these items:
- A new O-ring should be used at each fitting. Prior to installation, apply a thin coat of the same refrigerant oil used in the A/C
compressor. Be sure to use the correct O-ring for refrigerant types to avoid leakage.
- Charge the system with the specified amount of refrigerant.