Honda Pilot: Transfer Assembly Inspection
Honda Pilot 2016-2022 (YF5/YF6) Service Manual / Inspection Info / Transfer Assembly Inspection
Transfer Gear Backlash Measurement
1. Vehicle - Lift
2. Engine Undercover - Remove
3. Propeller Shaft - Remove
4. Transfer Assembly - Transfer Gear Backlash Check

- Shift the transmission to N position/mode.
- Set a dial indicator (A) on the transfer companion flange
(B); position the dial indicator tip (C) on the direct extension
of the bolt hole center (D).
- Measure the transfer gear backlash.
Standard: 0.06-0.16 mm (0.0024-0.0063 in)
- If the transfer gear backlash is out of the standard, replace
the transfer assembly.
5. All Removed Parts - Install
- Install the parts in the reverse order of removal.
Total Starting Torque Measurement
1. Transfer Assembly Fluid - Drain
2. Transfer Assembly - Remove
3. Transfer Assembly - Total
Starting Torque Check

- Secure the transfer housing (A) in a bench vise (B) with
wood blocks.
NOTE: To prevent damaging the transfer housing, always
use wood blocks or equivalent materials between the
transfer housing and the bench vise.
- Rotate the companion flange several turns to seat the
tapered roller bearings.
- Measure the total starting torque at the companion flange
(C) using a torque wrench (D) and a socket (E).
Standard: 2.64-4.23 N-m (26.9-43.1 kgf-cm, 23.4- 37.4 lbf-in)
- If the total starting torque is out of the standard, replace the
transfer assembly.
4. All Removed Parts - Install
- Install the parts in the reverse order of removal.
Fluid Leak Check
1. Transfer Assembly Fluid (Transmission Side) - Leak
- Check for fluid leaks between the mating faces of the
transfer assembly and the transmission.
- If there is leak, replace the transfer cover oil seal and the
2. Transfer Assembly Fluid (Propeller Shaft Side) - Leak
- Check for fluid leaks between the transfer companion
flange and the transfer oil seal.
- If there is leak, replace the transfer oil seal and the O-ring.
NOTE: Do not replace the oil seal with the transfer
assembly on the transmission.